30 March 2010

A seatpost is a seatpost is a seatpost... right?

Or is it?

How much more could you improve a seatpost???
It's like trying to build a better mousetrap!

After all, the market is flooded - We have all kinds now! With the rise and fall of suspension seatposts, and the influx of adjustable models, what could you actually do to improve something that holds up a saddle?

Well, I HAVE been wanting one of those fancy-schmancy adjustable seatposts, if I could find one that works the way I want it to...

All said, until:

a) someone finally makes an adjustable seatpost with a remote that functions flawlessly with no play, low-to-no maintenance and weighing up to 20% more than I'm used to

b) I can actually afford this imaginary seatpost without dipping into my every-so-often fancy-schmancy coffee budget

c) preferably, both a) and b)

... I'm sticking to the regular kind. And if I'm sticking to the regular kind, why not try something new?


Just when you think you've seen it all, here's a seatpost that takes a lot of the guesswork out of raising and lowering your saddle. The graphic goes around the post, instead of the usual marker line on one side, so you can adjust your saddle height without having to go behind the bike to check some worn-out marker lines. Simple!
  • micro-adjustable clamp
  • 25mm off offset
  • 7075-T6 alloy with hard anodized laser etched surface
  • Easy-to-set height graphic.
  • Available in 27.2 (Blue Pigs and various other frames) and 31.6 (Ragley Tis and mmmBops and various other frames)
  • 400mm length
  • Weight: 31.6mm-268g, 27.2mm-275g

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